Harnessing Your Habits

PsychTools for Every Day Success

How many success tips have you heard in your life from motivational speakers, preachers, or other heroes with wisdom and truth to spare? And how many are part of your life now?

Putting wisdom into action is a simple matter of habits. Harness your habits, and you’ll soon be someone else’s hero. A company hero. A family hero. Allow those old bad habits to rule over you, and any words of wisdom bounce off—your life is the same as yesterday. Habits are key to successful, lasting change.

  • Make or break any habit in 21 days.

  • Make bad habits work for you.

  • How habits can help you work smarter and produce more.

  • Conquer the top 5 reasons for failure.

  • Fix the “Tricky Three” — weight, smoking, and procrastination.

  • Discover habits you’ve had for years that you weren’t even aware of (but your co-workers probably were!).

  • Build productive habits even if you’re the ‘spontaneous type’.

  • Motivate yourself, even when your self isn’t willing.