Sleep Your Way To Success

PsychTools for Waking Up Refreshed

Most people wake up ready for bed. Recently a dot-com startup CTO erased the entire web site—including the operating system. He’d slept 83 hours in the prior three weeks.

Exhaustion played a role in the Challenger explosion, the Exxon Valdez spill, and Chernobyl, as workers are being asked to do more and more. Stories of employees falling asleep while walking, snoozing in bathroom stalls, and catching every cold passing through the office are increasing. One study found that it took young healthy males less than a week of sleeping four hours per night before they showed medical disorders similar to senior citizens.

Sleep deprivation and the cost to corporate America remains a hushed topic, but there are simple tools to get a good night’s sleep, even when your day is overly full.

  • Fall asleep fast, wake up refreshed, and increase your output—both personal & professional.

  • Why caffeine keeps you down.

  • Beat the 3:00 am “Wake and Worry” syndrome.

  • How less sleep may not make you sleepless; how many hours do you personally need?

  • Never use your alarm clock again.

  • Wake up ready to go, with energy to spare all day.

  • How food, medications, exercise, even sex, can disrupt your sleep.

  • The benefits of being boring.

  • Train your brain to calm you down, or wake you up.

  • How laziness and ambition can have the same effect on sleep, and the PsychTools™ to master both.